Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Disgustingly appealing?

My friend emailed me this ridiculous site. Omg the stuff in here is too much.
But I cant stop clicking next.

(awesome site address btw)

Oh and ditto to Tranette's post about the movie adaptation of Where The Wild Things Are.
That movie is gonna pwn hardcore, and creep me out. Just like the book did. I want to look for that old book now!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gotta let this shit out somewhere, and I guess that's what this site is for eh?

The tension in my household is on the verge of epic explosions. Very scary really. Today hearing my father, the most calm patient man I know (and that has rubbed on me), swore my mother and left me alone at the lunch table today. It was kinda funny but more Ughful. I don't think they will ever break up. But the atmosphere is upsetting. For example, I didn't do anything and nothing was aimed my way (this time) but I felt like something was extremely wrong and I got out the house asap. This year+ of dealing with my mother's depressed state is really starting to effect everyone's actions and emotions. We are all getting less and less tolerable with each other it seems.

Coming back was a good and bad thing. But hopefully it will all work out in the end. Just a tad bummed out at the moment over the recent interactions. Not feeling comfortable at home is the worse. I plan to move out soon, at least by summer. Most likely taking that new open spot in mike and sarah's apt. But also don't want to leave when things are at such an array. I feel like there's not much I can do though. So bleh, I say. Bleh.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Indulger is I

I miss lazy days. I took these pics a couple of weeks ago. sigh.
Sitting around relaxing (awesome boots cameo!)

Listening to shit like Creep by Radiohead and my adorable dog curled up next to me.

(my dog pwns yours)

Meh I've been to busy with everything else to actually have one full day like this.
Tis the life my friends. Tis the life.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

So it's been a while....
I think God is trying to censor me. I've been trying to post a new blog for about a week now but something always comes up. Sounds like a lame excuse but whateva.

Just came home from Madea. That movie was hilarious, as expected.

Gosh a lot has happened since the last post.... Hmm Valentines day was good for the first time in a long long time. Tranette is wonderful (even though she is so forcing me to post this right now.)

My parent's have been having a tough time lately and I'm trying to help where I can but I feel powerless at times. And sometimes they are upset because of me so that doesn't help. Eh its the only downer I have these days.

Still trying to figure out what I am doing this Fall. Mike was finally feeling deadset on having a clean start once his money came in from tax returns to pay off his debts, but I think he was just hit with another one out of nowhere. Hope that shit pans out man.

Currently distracted by the amazing kitties on the cover of some We Are The Scientists cd.
So meh this is enough for now. Kitties!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Well looks like I made it a whole month. Surprising really.

The weather is good! gonna be in the 40-50s all week. fuckin shweet.

There's more to update on but I am busy today so meh.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things to look forward to

I am going to join a gym next week. The pain ahead of me is going to...well hurt.
But I've been dying to join one and finally I get to for free.....Ok actually, i've been dying to join one for free. My sister is suppose to be going with me. My dad sometimes as well. I've been out of shape for awhile now, my most routinely act of exercise is climbing the hill of doom that is Tranette's street. I never thought I'd be so excited about joining a gym. Things to look forward to.

Today if people don't cancel on us, Tranette, her friend, myself and possibly my sister are suppose to chill in the city. Possibly bumpage into Mike. Things to look forward to.

Speaking of Mike. When we last spoke we touched on a few things about our future, which has been our center of talk between us lately. We have the issue of Jack of all trades, master of none. Concentrating on one skill and mastering it is our task, well mainly figuring out what that exact 'skill' will be is more our task. I want to keep in mind something that will make me happy, or at least tolerable, but we have to get the ball rolling and I'm willing to go out on a limb and try out anything. It's cool, this new 'motivate the other' transition we are trying. Things to look forward to.

Only downhill: my job has been pissing me off. I guess I shouldn't take it for granted but not being sure when I will be getting out everyday can be a pain to plan around. Le sigh.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What Sneezes May Come

Being sick blows. I don't get to go see my girlfriend (well not today anyway). I can't stop my nose's rampage. I still have to work and be outside in the freaking cold. I wish I was a kid and can just stay home and have someone else get me the homework. (Like i would do it anyway..)

On other news! It's going to snow again.......................a lot.......